My LEAP story
So, it’s February 2013, and I’m sitting at Heathrow Terminal 3, feeling very nervous….Not cause I’m a nervous flyer (I’m quite the opposite in fact), the reason is, I’m just about to board a flight to South Africa. It’s a place I never envisaged going, but I’m best man at a wedding, so I’ve got to go……Most of my friends and associates have told me “It’s the most dangerous place on earth” or that I will get stabbed or robbed, one even suggested it was a waste of time buying a return ticket, as the chances of me coming home in anything other than a box were quite remote !
I boarded the flight with my friend Lee, who was also going to the wedding and after a few Gin n Tonics settled into the 12 hour flight. It wasn't long before I got chatting to the guy sat next to me who was a South African returning home after working in Germany for 2 weeks. I told him of my nervousness of heading to his home country, he assured me it wasn't that bad, if I stick to the “tourist areas” I should have no trouble, just “make sure you don’t go into the townships, you go in there, you’re dead” I thanked him for his advice, had one more G&T, then settled back to get some sleep.
As I was getting off the plane, he asked of our plans for our first day in South Africa, I replied “Not sure, just heading to our hotel, perhaps a sit by the pool”…….. “I’ve got 2 spare tickets to the cricket if you are interested” ……that invite didn't take too much thinking about, within a couple of hours we were at Newlands, soaking up the atmosphere……
We spent the day enjoying the cricket, and chatting with our new found friend from the flight…… all was going well until around 2.30 when he received a call on his phone, it would appear his wife didn't share the view that after working away for 2 weeks, his first day back in South Africa should be spent with 2 strangers at the cricket. He made his apologies, and left……
I then turned to the lady sat to my left to say hello, we hadn't spoken up until then as we had been engrossed in conversation with the man from the flight. This lady turned out to be Jenni Copeland, one of the founders of LEAP……
In between cricket chat, she told me about the school project she worked at, how it had gone from a couple of teachers trying to provide classes to children in the townships 15 years ago, to an organisation with 6 schools in economically challenged areas throughout South Africa, educating nearly 2000 children a day, all done with little or no government funding. I was intrigued…… I wanted to see this for myself…….so on my 2nd day in South Africa I spent the day in the 1 place I was told absolutely NOT TO GO, in one of the townships on the outskirts of Cape Town……but I didn't find myself in fear of my life, in fact quite to opposite, I walked around the school engaging in conversation with bright, happy children who were genuinely pleased to see us, and wanted to tell us about their school.
After touring the school, I went to meet John Gilmour, founder and director of LEAP, it was just incredible to hear his vision, to learn about the problems in the South African education system, but amazing to hear how at LEAP they were turning the system on it’s head and proving that any child, regardless of their wealth or background can go on to great things, be that university, teaching or a business career, provided they are given a chance !
I decided I wanted to help……..
I became a donor to LEAP and within a few months was back in South Africa, back in the school, keen to learn more about the challenges and what I could do to help. With friends and business associates we have now established a good flow of funds from the UK to South Africa, secured a good quantity of computers equipment so that the children can learn the skills needed in today's modern age, been able to provide high quality books to the school, and last year I became the UK ambassador for LEAP, to continue to develop the relationship between with UK and LEAP Science and Maths Schools.
If you have any question, please get in touch.