Today is going to be the shortest blog of all, I have no wifi, so am doing this with my lap top tethered to my phone, and for those of you old enough to remember it's like trying to work with the old AOL dial up !
My first job today was putting on my Rayban's ! OMG yes, the sun is shinning in County Donegal, we've had the roof off the car, it's been a very special day....
I then discovered the most beautiful place in Ireland I've ever seen, a bold statement I know at this early point in my trip, but I just can't see how it can get any better than this !
And then I get a call from Seamus to say he and Sheila are in Donegal, and let's have a pint, so huge thanks to them for coming up and catching up....
Now, I'm gona wish you all a great Friday night, I'm off to watch the sun set over the beach......