Day 10

So, after a restful afternoon yesterday, I popped up to the pub for a few last night, & a very pleasant evening it was, but I left at a sensible hour, so it meant a bright eyed and bushy tailed James to start day 10.

After a morning walk down the beach that's been home for the past 3 days, it was off to get the car after it's day off yesterday.....


....the old adage "It's harder to hit a moving target" certainly rang true as I approached the vehicle, the local seagulls had been using it as target practice whilst it had been parked up for 24 hours ! 

Next stop, the car wash, after a 4 Euro blast with the pressure washer it was roof down and music up all the way ! 

So, where is the next point on my Wild Atlantic Way adventure...... it's DUBLIN...... now very often Dublin is Wild, but Atlantic it certainly is not, so how can this be part of the plan.... Well Donegal Airport, very much part of the WAW, have been voted second most scenic take off and landing in the world ( see ) and I want to see it for myself. I thought there might be a pleasure flight I could take, but alas not, so I hop onto and for the princely sum of 54 Euro, secure myself a return flight from Donegal to Dublin.

I arrive in plenty of time so there is opportunity to go for a wander down a few lanes in the area before I head to check in


We quite literally got to the end of the road.


But it was well worth it.

Then off to the airport we go


I check in for the 2nd flight of the day from Donegal's also the last flight of the day....


And this is our wheels for the flight up to Dubs

And this is our wheels for the flight up to Dubs

So, here's a few pics from the flight down, the view is simply breathtaking..... I would highly recommend.


It's an overnight in the good ole Arlington Hotel, before I head back to the Atlantic tomorrow.  TTFN