I'm getting a bit of a regular on the Birmingham to Knock flight.....I always wonder when I'm boarding how the slogan on the side of the Flybe plane came about...
It occurs to me, there was probably a number of folks in a marketing meeting one day, when the Chief Exec turns up to tell them bookings are down this month, they need to do something about it.....
."I know pipes up one of the marketing bods, lets put a marketing slogan on the side of the plane ! Anyone got any ideas"
"How about 'Always Low Fares'' ??
"Can't do that, Michael O'Learly's already done that at Ryanair"
"How about we call ourselves "The Low Fares Airline" says another...
"Can't do that, Stellios has already done that at Easyjet......we need something more outside the box"
There's a pause....
"I know" says the new kid at the back "Why don't we point out to our passengers how our aeroplanes that can travel over land and sea at 28,000 feet, at speeds of 550 miles per hour can get them to the continent quicker than their motor car, which for legal reasons can only travel at 70 miles per hour, and does not have the ability to drive on water"
"Perfect, says the chair of the meeting, let's get the stickers made straight away" !
It's a lovely day in the Emerald Isle
So, out of Knock airport, the roof is off, the sun is up, all is well with the world ! It's around an hour or so to drive back to Galway to pick up with Wild Atlantic Way, then we start back on the route heading South.
First stop of the day is at one of the beaches, so good to be back by the Ocean !
We've now crossed over from Co Galway into Co Claire, straight away you can see a difference, lots more rocks, bit less green.....this is a place called Flaggy Shore !
So, not much driving on the WAW today, just pulled into the village I'm staying in tonight, so off for an explore ! will report back tomorrow, great to be back here !